Humanities and Arts | About
As Israel’s Institute of Technology, the Technion provides technological training and education and for prospective scientists and engineers. For a long time, the main mission of the Humanities and Arts Department at the Technion was to complement the technical training with a wide array of courses in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. The upshot was to serve Technion’s students with enrichment courses.
Since 2020, the Department mission is taking a new direction and important changes in the department’s teaching and research goals are being implemented.
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Since 2020, the Department mission is taking a new direction and important changes in the department’s teaching and research goals are being implemented.

Prof. Ron Meir
Head of the Department of Humanities and Arts Events
Choir Concert - Winter Semester
Maestro: Dr. Tal Samuel -
Connecting Abstract Models with Empirical Evidence: The Role of Interpretation
Dr. Topaz Halperin, Harvard University -
Symphony Orchestra and Wind Orchestra Concert
Maestro: David Sofer -
Criterion Shifts and the Metaphysics of Sensory Experience
Dr. Assaf Weksler -
Intoxication as Knowing and Making: Reimagining the History and Philosophy of the Bio-Medical Sciences
Dr. Matthew Perkins-McVey, Bar-Ilan University -
Jazz concert
Dr. Dan Cohen -
Seminar | Infinity in nature: the relationship between finite modes and infinite Substance in Spinoza
Dr. Melanie Salvi -
Seminar | Towards a Resource-Based Conception of Intelligence
Dr. Ze'ev Goldschmidt -
Research day
Partiality Towards the Present
Dr Leora Sung -
Department Retreat
Concepts in Motion: Late Medieval Interdisciplinarity and the Rise of Modern Science
Dr. Daniel A. Di Liscia, LMU Munich and Humanities and Arts Technion