Call Lab

opening hours of the CALL lab
The Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Laboratory was opened in November 1996. It consists of 50 terminals operating under a Novell Network and provides facilities for computer-aided. instruction in ten languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
Opening hours – The CALL Lab will be open for autonomous study during the semester break at the following times:
Tuesday, 25.2 – 14.00-16.00
Thursday, 27.2 – 10.00-12.00
Sunday, 2.3 – 10.00-12.00
Tuesday, 4.3 – 14.00-16.00
Our Purpose
The CALL Laboratory is used for group instruction as well as for supplementary individual learning. Classes come with teachers as part of the course program. On the individual level, the laboratory is open for remedial work, enrichment study, make-up work, and exam preparation.
Most of the materials available have been written by teachers in the Department of Humanities and Arts. The English programs are customized for Technion students and aid them in attaining the .advanced English skills required by their respective faculties for professional purposes.
The materials in English for undergraduate studies are divided into different levels of difficulty and, at the Technical English level (Advanced B), are faculty-specific. The CALL Laboratory also .serves Graduate students preparing for the English Proficiency Examination. Programs in languages other than English have been developed to serve the courses taught in the department
The CALL laboratory serves all students enrolled in the various undergraduate and graduates English courses. Specific lessons, with feedback, are available for every course offered by the English Department. In addition, there are video lessons and tutorials focusing on vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and general language skills. Students may come to the lab with their .instructor or during free access hours.
CALL Staff:
Dr. Michal Tal is the academic head, administrative coordinator and head teacher of the lab.
Email: michalt@technion.ac.il
Shay Bat is the computer technician of the CALL lab.
Email: ccshay@technion.ac.il