Reading Group
11.11 2024
An interdisciplinary reading group: God, Mind, Nature:
A Reading of St. Bonaventure’s Itinerarium Mentis in Deum.
Dr. Daniel A. Di Liscia (Visiting scientist, Technion) | d.diliscia@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Danielle Omessi (David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel-Aviv University) | danielmoisa@tauex.tau.ac.il
Join us for a bi-weekly Reading Group meeting in the Department of Humanities and Arts.
| The meetings will begin on November 11st (for 7 meetings)
| Monday 10:30-12:30
| At the Department of Humanities and Arts
Registration . Click here
The reading group is thought of as a relaxed way to gather humanists, scientists, philosophers, theologians, artists, and art historians around a common text, which could provide a motivating impulse for everyone’s research. Bonaventure (1221-1274) was one of the major thinkers of the Middle Ages and General of the Franciscan Order. This short text, written in beautiful, expressive Latin, presents the way of approaching and moving toward God in a “pilgrimage of the mind”, a personal and individual experience in which nature also plays an important role. We will read the text in a proper English translation and discuss its meaning and structure. Occasionally, we shall delve into Latin terminology, weave in excerpts from Bonaventure’s other writings, examine his philosophical influences, and explore the nuances of contemporary visual culture in relation to his ideas.
Registration . Click here
Dr. Daniel A. Di Liscia (Technion)