Reading Group | from the Pre-Socratic Philosophers to Leibniz and Newton

NOVEMBER 17 2024

The Department of Humanities and Arts offers a new Reading Group:

Reading Group | Embracing Infinity in Science and Philosophy: from the Pre-Socratic Philosophers to Leibniz and Newton

Registration << Click here

This reading group will focus on primary texts of influential thinkers dealing with the question of infinity and its role in science and philosophy from the ancient period to the early modern period.

We will read texts from the Pre-Socratics (Anaximander, Xenophanes, Anaxagoras), the Pythagoreans (Philolaus and Archytas), Plato’s Philebus and Timaeus, Aristotle’s Physics, Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius, Augustine, Hasdai Crescas, Galileo, Pascal, Gassendi, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Newton. The choice of texts could vary according to the interest of reading group participants.

The group will meet every Sunday from 16:00-17:30 starting on 17.11.24 for 10 weeks during the Winter semester.

The reading group is led by
Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi | specializes in ancient philosophy
Prof. Ohad Nachtomy | specializes in early modern philosophy and science 


Time: 16:00-17:30.
Venue – Department of Humanities and Arts

Registration << Click here

  • Prof. Ohad Nachtomy

  • Dr. Enrico Piergiacomi