Department Retreat
December 17 2024
Department Retreat:
Graduate Students & Advisors
Winter semester 2024|
[12:00-13:00] Yoga in nature: Ohad Nachtomy [Ecological garden, Technion]
[13:00-13:30] Welcome and light lunch (Meeting room at the department)
[13:30-15:00] Presentations: Eva Tidhar, Shiran Yuan, Lital Shemen (Room #306)
[15:00-15:30] Coffee Break
[15:30-17:30] (Room #306) Guy Lotan, Shallom Abla Lumor, Mati Shufan, Ilana Shlomov, Bernard Nabet
[17:30-18:15] “Effective Public Speaking: Tips and Techniques”
[18:30] Beer & light dinner at the nearby “Nola Socks” Pub
* Presentations will be 15 min., followed by a 15 min. discussion.
** Students will utilize this event for building their presentations at the Department Research Day, on January 19th 2025.