Session # 1 | 17/1/2024
17/1/2024 15:00
Session # 1
Date: 17/1/2024 | Wednesday | 15:00
Starting from Scratch: Educating for Art, Science, and Engineering in a New Social Epoch.
Imagine transforming raw information into deep knowledge, shaping curious minds into critical thinkers, and guiding our young into becoming not just well-informed but well-formed individuals. We’re looking at how to inspire a passion for science and art from the start while facing the pressing challenges of a world in constant revolution. Join us for a lively and open conversation about these essential topics.
Dr. Orit Wolf hosts:
Research Prof. Dan Schechtman (Nobel Prize Laureate, Faculty of Materials Science & engineering).
Prof. Orit Hazzan (Faculty of Education in Science and Technology).
Prof. Irad Yavneh (he Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science)
Guest Artists:
Singer Limor Oved & Dr. Orit Wolf
Singer Zohar Rom and Pianist Almog Algranti
Click her to watch the event
Photo credit: Rami Shloush
Research Prof. Dan Schechtman
Faculty of Materials Science & engineering -
Prof. Orit Hazzan
Faculty of Education in Science and Technology -
Prof. Irad Yavneh
The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science -
Dr. Orit Wolf
Artistic Director | Humanities and Arts -
Limor Oved
Singer -
Zohar Rom
Singer | Technion -
Almog Algranti
Pianist | Technion